Background checks for your household employees. (Nannies, cleaners, caregivers…)
We suggest treating the employment of a household worker just as you would treat the employment of someone in any business.
You’ll need to review a résumé, have an interview, contact personal and professional references, and complete a thorough background check.
In the interview, you should watch the applicant’s demeanor. Be alert for clues that may indicate a character flaw or a personality disorder.
Remember, this person may have unlimited access to your home, including access to the valuables in your home and, in the case of a caregiver, to your elderly parent and/or your children.
To find the best fit, try to ask open-ended, relevant questions without indicating what the “right” answer should be. Above all else, don’t hire someone whose answers and demeanor make you feel uncomfortable.
McDowell Agency a licensed private investigation firm specializing in background investigation and pre-employment screening services
Criminal Background Screening Services
Additional Verification Services
Industry Specific Searches
(877) 644-3880
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